Perhaps it is never too soon to say that there is a war going on against Simplers, and this war has always existed and shall no doubt exist in the future. This is quite relevant since a vast majority of the population, all of the 3rd world, practices Simpling. On the other hand, a small minority of very wicked and very powerful international corporate entities have taken it into their heads that it is up to them to 'Shape' and 'Save' the world, which includes removing the 'traditions' which get in the way of their machinations towards a self-anointed pseudo-Messiahship based on the logic of 'colonialism' and 'capitalism'. This logic, which is really based on slavery, insures that after the colonialist father has raped a land and its people for all it is worth, the capitalist son will step in to reconstruct the country in the image suitable to receive the 'blessings' of corporate 'advancement', all of which shall be supplied by himself, his friends, his family. Thus a family or network of families (I do not say 'coven' as I do not want to besmirch the good name of 'witches') effectively seeks to control the image and design of the world. The most noxious element of what can only be termed demonic machinations is the 'philanthropic' one, by which world governmental organizations seek to 'remedy' the 'situation' which their own ancestors, relatives or buddies created in the first place.
Faced with such a situation, many people look for scapegoats. For some it is the Jews. For others it is Europeans. Others choose the Mexicans or Blacks. In essence, Simpling proposes that in hard times, rather than scapegoat the people of the land we 'landscape with goats', and starve out the corporate slave-traders, who are the real devils.
Simpling means exactly what its name implies. Under its umbrella fall all of the usual practical activities of humankind for survival, but most specifically, those activities which involve plants and the fruit of the soil. A simpler may be someone who grows or wild gathers his own medicine and food. It may be someone who finds a simple technology or solution to a widespread problem, like water supply or seed storage. All of simpling arises naturally from the soil and from the traditions of the soil, but because it always is focused on the needs of the simple poor, it is imminently 'progressive', and aligned with the great traditions of the stars, sun and spiritual light.
The philosophy of Simpling proposes that there are simple, natural answers to all of humankind's basic needs, that these answers are multifarious, individual and site specific. No 'culling of herds', no 'killing of birds', no 'stealing of turds' necessary.
Do not follow and do not let yourself be followed! Simpling is not a movement, it is the natural state of awake humanity, it is about sharing useful ideas and making your own way, within a tradition with boundaries as vast as the earth and sky. You are already part of it! Just expand and divest yourself of 'interest'.
That's all the time I have for now. Here are some keywords for individual study:
Fog Catchers
Plants for a future
Food Forest